Our Mission
“The mission of No More Tears is to curb violence and detrimental behaviors within targeted communities by utilizing the specialized knowledge and experience of former perpetrators of violence and crime. These former perpetrators hold themselves accountable to bring solutions to the communities where they once had contributed to the problems.”
Who we are
No More Tears (NMT) was founded in 2002 through the collaborative efforts of men incarcerated at San Quentin Rehabilitation Center and concerned citizens of the greater Bay Area.
No More Tears has successfully operated its renowned violence and crime prevention workshop series for more than 20 years and our restorative justice healing circles for more than 15 years at San Quentin. Since NMT’s inception, our programs and outreach have impacted an estimated 10,000 incarcerated men; of the over 1,500 NMT graduates who have been released, 85% remain free citizens and none have returned to prison for violent crimes.
With the release of our Founder and President Lonnie Morris in 2021, No More Tears has significantly expanded its work outside of prison walls and into the Bay Area communities most impacted by violence and crime. Our new programming includes community healing circles, youth mentorship services, and a returned citizen-led reentry program.
NMT Theory of Change
No More Tears works to end cycles of violence, crime, and incarceration by equipping individuals with the socio-emotional skills they need to avoid criminal behavior. We continually invest in the success of our returned citizens once they are released from prison. We also offer them opportunities to serve as youth advocates and peer mentors in the communities most impacted by violence and crime. NMT creates space for returning citizens and youth to learn from and with each other with the aim of ending cycles of violence.
In bridging the communication and knowledge gaps for different demographics within our communities, we believe we can stop cycles of violence in their tracks from different points.
Our innovative reentry program seeks to equip returning NMT alumni with the tools, resources, and support they need to remain free as agents of change in their community. NMT also recognizes the unique opportunity to employ returned citizens, each of whom possesses years of experience, as credible messengers and mentors through the expansion of our youth and community-focused programming.