The NMT curriculum consists of a twelve-part workshop series focusing on factors that contribute to crime and imprisonment; some of these factors include a sense of powerlessness, poor anger management skills, and a lack of positive mentorship, education, and personal responsibility. Our cognitive behavioral violence prevention workshops use interactive exercises and activities designed to help participants identify specific attitudes, values, and behaviors that contribute to violence and criminal behavior and identify positive alternatives.

A Peek Into Our Curriculum 

The first component, Response to Violence, challenges participants to deeply explore their beliefs and motivations about various types of violence (physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, relational, etc.), their specific triggers that result in violent behavior, the impact of violence on victims and offenders, and tools for responding in more positive ways.

In the second module, Changing Mindset, participants explore their relationships with family members and their communities, commit to goals and behaviors that positively impact these relationships, and hold each other accountable for maintaining their short- and long-term life goals.

Workshops culminate in a powerful graduation ceremony that celebrates the transformative work that participants have committed to continuing in their lives.

Meet Some of Our Inside Facilitators… 

Restorative Justice Healing circles

Graduates of the workshop series also attend restorative justice healing circles: transformative events where we unite survivors of violent crime and former perpetrators. Our healing circles were founded on the premise that everyone in the circle has been a victim of harm, and everyone has been a perpetrator of harm at some time in their life. These circles are unique because they provide a reciprocal process that allows each individual to share their stories of pain and loss while being a support system to others in the room. Circles are supported by community members, faith leaders, and NMT alumni.

This program not only focuses on healing the mind, soul, and emotions of its members, but can also result in physical well-being as people begin to accept and process their own pain and loss.

Are you interested in attending our inside program as a volunteer?